Monday, November 21, 2011


DEM stands for Digital Elevation Model, this means it is a 3-D representation of a terrains surface. This type of map generally focuses on the earth's surface and everyone that is on it, without including plants and buildings.


Produced by the USGS, DOQQ are digital areial images that are at a resolution of one meter. This is a picture of a color infrared in 1998.

Range graded proportional circle map

There are different types of range graded proportional maps, but circle maps are the most popular. They are the most important because they are easy to construct. From a symbol standpoint, a circle is the easiest to proportion. Also cirlces are a very good visual tool used that can be very stable from a graphing point.

Accumulative line graph or Lorenz curve

A Lorenz curve is a graph showing the bottom percentage distribution in proportion to the values. Often used with economics when looking at different income distribution.

Parrallel Coordinate graph

Parallel Coordinate graphs are a common way of showing high dimensional geometry in a visual manor. A background of parallel lines is drawn to show the set of points that form a n-dimensional space.The parallel lines are normally evenly spaced and run vertical.

Index Value Plot

An index value plot simply means to depict the relatively of all values to an indexed value.

Similarity Matrix

Similarity Matrix are used in sequence alignment. They are used to show the similarity of two data point within a matrix of scores. A similarity matrix has to have the following five characteristics to be classified as a matrix, squareness, non-negativity, boundedness, reflexivity, and symmetry.